Whack all imperialists <***@gmail.com> wrote:
:On May 4, 8:26 am, The Highlander <***@shaw.ca> wrote:
:> On May 3, 12:22 pm, Whack all imperialists <***@gmail.com> wrote:
:> >http://catsmoke.funnypart.com/
:> Citation please?
:> Needless to say, your hysterical ravings do not count as "truth", a
:> concept I believe you are completely unfamiliar with.
:Could you please in future adopt Betty's *ngurlish and say "a concept
:with which I believe you are completely unfamiliar." I just have
:split infinites.
"This is the sort of pedantic nonsense up with which I will not put."
-- Winston Churchill, 27 February 1944,
to a priggish civil servant's memo
objecting to the ending of a sentences
with prepositions.