Post by ClairePost by Nusrat, Rowayton, ConnecticutMy State of Connecticut which is one 20th size of England has more
Nobel laureates than all of UK with Scotland and both Irelands thrown
You clearly didn't learn political geograthy from any of them else you
would know that England, Scotland and the north part of Ireland are
IN the UK!!!
I have been to UK numerous time so please give me some credit >for knowing its history.
Nope, I expect it because I am British! you will also know what a
modest people we Brits are unlike you boastful Americans and arrogant
French! ;-)
I thought I was being generous with you lot for
throwing Independent Irish Republic
Lol, nah, being of English and Irish descent I am not sure I count as
a “you lot” on the subject of Anglo-Irish history. However, if
Southern Ireland returned to the union (as recognised equals this
time) they’d be included in our weather reports, thus we could all be
pissed on together!!! :-)
even though IRA may come after me
for such blatant disrespect for their sacrifices.
I doubt there are any still alive given that it was over 90 years ago.
Talking to a colleague where I used to work; her grandfather was in
the IRA, mine was in the British Army and we still end up in the same
office, must happen all the time in Ireland so that’s that then! :-)