Post by Raymond O'HaraPost by gonzoPost by Feck all sassanaigh
Putin must be shitting himself......
The scary thing is that morons like Merkel still want to
allow that screwball into NATO.
Christ, I know she's thick, I just didn't think she
was *that* thick. At this point, they are letting
their rage at being outsmarted cloud their judgement.
wasn't convenient that putin just happened to have a tank corps of 1200
armored vehicles and 20,000 men just sitting there ready to come to the aid
of the poor south ossetians. damn talk about serendiptious luck.
Ray this again shows a complete lack of understanding or knowledge of
the area. First Russia has always had a huge military base near
Vladikavkaz, infact thats what Vladikavkaz grew out of. Due to the
instability in the region eg the Ingush/Ossetian issue these troops
are always running drills and on high alert.
It would be like attacking a city full of American citizens just 65km
from Fort Bragg. I am only surprised it took the Russians so long to
respond. Nearly 24 hours where as Georgian forces where apparently
able to respond in less than 5hrs 30mins after the Georgian president
called a ceasefire. Or do you think that was a ploy.
This guy is a nut who has ultimately slowed progress between eastern
and western europe for mutual benefit. I think now even Georgians are
questioning his sanity.