2008-06-04 20:06:11 UTC
tell others don't lose your hard earned money in markets or on horses its
literally fixed
Everything in Us and often in Nasdaq is control and manipulation and
basically stocks are ponzi scams, attract your money so insiders and market
people can go opposite. Get out the stock goes back up The stocks that do
best are usually the ones you didn't have .
. The best example stkl... The stock tanks basically on no news. More then
any time in years, with record production, then the news they had a
previous losts after it tanked Someone sold bg
time on mystery information before most investors!??
At the time I predicted it would go back up eventually when the largest
percent of initial investors were out replaced by insiders friends or
brokerages or hedge funds that caused or knew why the stock tanked in the
first place. Can I prove it? not.
this time they get the stock at big discount
stocks constantly attract your investment only to see the stock go down or
opposite especially the larger the investment of smaller the stock price.
They will take it as low as it has to go to get your money and to get you to
sell and then one day they buy it back at one time after you left. Stocks
are ponzi scams. Maybe one exception the stocks that sabotages our health
like coal and oil do great. control and manipulation rule and I urge you not
to invest . Same exact thing at horsetrack. the more you put on a race and
it shows up in the pool the more likely the horse has no chance
The tout service will show you the winners it had after the race because
they knew no one had them before the race.
Once your money shows they will find a reason to go opposite (hedge funds,
streetcomes, brokerages) the biggest fix since gov was alloowed to kill you
via pollution and call it we need more cancer research instead..
literally fixed
Everything in Us and often in Nasdaq is control and manipulation and
basically stocks are ponzi scams, attract your money so insiders and market
people can go opposite. Get out the stock goes back up The stocks that do
best are usually the ones you didn't have .
. The best example stkl... The stock tanks basically on no news. More then
any time in years, with record production, then the news they had a
previous losts after it tanked Someone sold bg
time on mystery information before most investors!??
At the time I predicted it would go back up eventually when the largest
percent of initial investors were out replaced by insiders friends or
brokerages or hedge funds that caused or knew why the stock tanked in the
first place. Can I prove it? not.
this time they get the stock at big discount
stocks constantly attract your investment only to see the stock go down or
opposite especially the larger the investment of smaller the stock price.
They will take it as low as it has to go to get your money and to get you to
sell and then one day they buy it back at one time after you left. Stocks
are ponzi scams. Maybe one exception the stocks that sabotages our health
like coal and oil do great. control and manipulation rule and I urge you not
to invest . Same exact thing at horsetrack. the more you put on a race and
it shows up in the pool the more likely the horse has no chance
The tout service will show you the winners it had after the race because
they knew no one had them before the race.
Once your money shows they will find a reason to go opposite (hedge funds,
streetcomes, brokerages) the biggest fix since gov was alloowed to kill you
via pollution and call it we need more cancer research instead..
basically only the rich get
they won't. In order to have jobs policies are now killing people via
pollution and coal and bad air.
We have an economy based on people like this who manipulate stocks and
you what you don't want to hear in order to gain from your investment..its
that simple.. If this really happens imagine what else they can do. We
news that consoldiates in order to sell meds to people who are set up to
sick. Thats what our economy is about jobs , do whatever it takes to
manipulate to get your money and health even if it undermines health for
kids and education.. This is what the US has become. PBS
did a special about how other countries average age of death is increasing
much more then us and they get free health care and education and they
little crime and pollution. You see community to them means truth and
honesty not control.
the goal when communicating is to rationzlize existence with truth and
facts and what is right coupled with getting what we desire (which might
always be what is right)
Facts are often hidden so rich control options
Sometimes feelings are not accurate and sometimes they are. Lets learn to
better based on truth, honesty and facts and the desire to do good
elected to office and rich keep consolidating and distancing themselves
everyone else. We have violence that is worse then many terrorist
so anything is possible.
especially if you believed in doing the right things and have watched
depressing things happen to your stocks and neighborhoods. But don'tfrom
everyone else. We have violence that is worse then many terrorist
so anything is possible.
especially if you believed in doing the right things and have watched
they won't. In order to have jobs policies are now killing people via
pollution and coal and bad air.
We have an economy based on people like this who manipulate stocks and
you what you don't want to hear in order to gain from your investment..its
that simple.. If this really happens imagine what else they can do. We
news that consoldiates in order to sell meds to people who are set up to
sick. Thats what our economy is about jobs , do whatever it takes to
manipulate to get your money and health even if it undermines health for
kids and education.. This is what the US has become. PBS
did a special about how other countries average age of death is increasing
much more then us and they get free health care and education and they
little crime and pollution. You see community to them means truth and
honesty not control.
the goal when communicating is to rationzlize existence with truth and
facts and what is right coupled with getting what we desire (which might
always be what is right)
Facts are often hidden so rich control options
Sometimes feelings are not accurate and sometimes they are. Lets learn to
better based on truth, honesty and facts and the desire to do good